Sunday, August 13, 2006

One book I wish had never been written.

I was quietly minding my own business, enjoying CW's list of books meme describing those that made her cry,laugh etc. when I was tagged . The list is already written in my head and I'll post it soon, but there is one question I MUST answer tonight.

What book do you wish had never been written?

How I spent my evening.

Thomas and the birthday party (ISBN: 043497616).

A seemingly innocuous book about Thomas the Tank Engine attending his first ever birthday party, held for his driver. The driver's wife greets them at the engine shed wearing her special best dress and shares a birthday cake in the shape of Thomas.

WARNING: Encourages three year olds who are turning four to point to the page and say "Mummy, THAT's the cake I want for my birthday party".


Kalgrl said...

What a fantastic cake!

Kathryn Greenhill said...

Actually it was incredibly rich and turned some kids' teeth black with food colouring, but fun nonetheless.