Sunday, November 05, 2006

New librarian skill - bundling!

New toys are fun. Even better when they herald a change in how we do things.
Their play paves the way for regular librarians to combine our collection development skills and powerful web tools to "bundle" electronic information, resources and searches for our clients

Prerequisites to use some of the powerful "bundling" tools are:
  • Librariany skills to select something useful to bundle
  • Ability to follow step by step instructions
  • Ability to cut and paste text
  • A bit of knowledge about where to embed code in a web page...or skills to use the "View Source" option and steal ideas from other web pages.
I work as a Philosophy subject librarian. In my next post, I've used the "how to's" from the posts above to show some of the relevant "bundling" services I could create for philosophy scholars at my university.

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