Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Can you podcast all night and still be mummy in the morning?

I work on our reference desk from 5pm to 9pm on Tuesdays. Students don't respond well to zombies on the desk, so I try to be in bed at a reasonable hour the night before.

Can I heeeeelp you?

Last night, however, I was up late making a podcast using Captivate. The abstracts for the Five weeks to a social library course are up and the others all looked so good that I thought I should get cracking on my podcast/screencast. Participant applications close on 1 December.

I wondered whether I could just rant into the microphone, using my abstract for guidance, to get that unforced, conversational feel. Well- twenty minutes later- I discovered that I could, but I would repeat myself several times over, and miss some essential points.

Although I got some good sound bites, I'd need to be more formal and scripted. It was great fun to use the editing facility to cut out my coughs and irritating habit of repeating "Okay" at every small change of topic. Also, I want to work with a team from the library to see whether we can use this presentation to build our skills together.

Happy with my night's work, I went to bed, read Steve Holzner's "Secrets of RSS" for a few minutes and slept until 7am.

Except I didn't. Sleep.

4:30 am. Mr4 is "hearing beeps". Too tired to put him back to bed, Mr4, Snugglefish and Firebear join us in bed.

5:30am Our sirex cat, Nougat, scrabbles and caterwauls in the roof above our bed until the Co-Pilot gets up and lets her out the loft door.

6:30am Mr8 discovers his little brother's door open and bed empty and, very concerned, comes into our room to make sure we know.

ZOMBIEVILLE here I come.

Overindulgence (I did not make this up!)


Kathryn Greenhill said...

Yes....I'm coming out of the closet...still writing the post about it, but have changed my display name here and on lint

I persuaded Mr4 to nap with me after lunch, so I was a little less zombie-like.

John Mazz said...

Hi. I've been trying to figure out how to turn a captivate project into a video podcast and I came across this post, How do you go about converting the captivate swf into something that iTunes can take as a video podcast (assuming you use iTunes that is.) Any help whould be great, thanks.

Anonymous said...

You'd need to convert to an MP4, I guess. I used Captivate1, and that has no inbuilt facility to do this.

Zamzar.com is usually very good for converting files, but swf isn't one of the original formats they cover.

Googling the text convert swf mp4 retrieves a number of products.